Local: (765) 288-7795
Long Distance: (800) 382-8533
Fax: (765) 287-2058

E-mail requests can be sent to orders@ggoil.com

How to Order

G&G Oil Company, Inc. offices are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM EST to 5:00 PM EST. Any time before or after that, our answering service will relay requests to our pre-designated employees for expedition and completion.

Request a Quote

Please contact us at orders@ggoil.com or by telephone at (765) 288-7795 or (800) 382-8533 for a quote on a product we could provide to you.

Technical Information

Please contact us at technical@ggoil.com or by telephone at (765) 288-7795 or (800) 382-8533 for assistance with an application question that you may have.